Natural Landscape Solutions
Permaculture is about resiliency, sustainability and community, in order to maintain a balanced relationship with where we live.
‘It ‘s a life-cycle not just a life-style.’
Earth Care – People Care – Return of Surplus
The basic philosophy behind Permaculture is about working with nature rather than against it and integrating all aspects of life needs in a sustainable manner. It integrates the need for a self sustaining system and looks at the long picture of a working landscape.It’s a landscape that provides food security, energy, shelter and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable manner.For more information you could read the book ‘Permaculture – A designers Manual by Bill Mollison.
Native Plants and Wild Edibles
There is a lot to say about eating food that’s seasonal. So, how about taking this literally and harvesting some of the amazing native foods that are available and using them in your next dinner. Imagine a day out hiking, and you collect wild Chanterelles for a Souffle and make a blackberry/huckleberry pie for desert. Don’t forget your greens too from your home garden!
Mandala Garden Design
An effective way to create more food in a small area is to increase the amount of edges that things can grow along. By stepping away from conventiona box gardens you can easily increase your yeild and still make every tasty treat with in reach.
Urban Food Forest
If you have a small urban lot and think you can’t have a variety of fruits and vegetables go no further than the ‘Food Forest’. Nature grows in different canopy levels, so why don’t we? You can stack food based on vertical growth, from low growing strawberries, to huckleberries, to salal, to currants to apples, pears and nut trees. You can plant in the understory, shade loving greens and on the perimeters why not grow your herbs for culinary delight!
Sheet Mulching
So you have Lawn…and you want a garden? Just pick up some cardboard and create a recipe for soil in no time. Grass is high in Nitrogen and cardboard is high in Carbon, when these two mix they basically create soil. Cardboard will also take care of those weedy areas too!
Compost Bins
We sell beautiful constructed rat proof cedar compost bins. They work well and produce excellent compost!
If you don’t already know bees are what make the food world go round. However, due to over use of pesticides, there has been a dramatic decline of these wonderful pollinators.
Chicken Tractors
This simple A – Frame concept is great for 2-3 chickens and will work in more ways than one. Chickens will give you eggs! They also can be used to till up your spring veggie patch and clear out bugs and weeds, and they also ‘Fertilize’ while doing their thing.